Venu Naturopathy


Ram Krishna Sinha

Ram Krishna Sinha

About Ram Krishna Sinha

The author is a former bank executive and writes on contemporary issues.

More From Ram Krishna Sinha

India's discredited coaching centres: Can they redeem themselves in the eyes of students and aspirants?

The exams for IITs, IIMs, Civil Services, in particular, are strong pointers on how traditional pedagogy and mindset of our educational institutions towards learning is found severely inadequate and deficient, and call for a paradigm shift towards critical thinking and building wider perspectives.

Remembering Gandhi: Symbols he conceived and used were transformative

Be it charkha or khadi, the symbols Gandhi espoused have remained so strong that even now when we talk of a "Atma Nirbhar Bharat", (a self-reliant India), they ignite our minds with a sense of mission and pride.

Big tech or Big Talent, both need to be a force for good

The rise and fall of FTX’s co-founder Sam Bankman-Fried, a poster boy of the crypto world and seen as a genius, tells a story that has important learnings for all of us. A key learning is that, though talent or ingenuity can erect an empire of fame and riches in a short time, yet devoid of moral and ethical moorings, it can wreak havoc in the…

The importance of fraternity in India’s social democracy

The challenges in the path of the fraternity project are many. But we must overcome them, as it is on the pillar of fraternal relations that a well-functioning and healthy democracy rests

The taboos that are pulling India down

No society can progress if it does not muster the courage to question taboos, particularly those which trample on human rights, dignity, and liberal values

Strong policies, asset management skills can raise mutual funds’ popularity in South Asia

Among many commonalities, South Asian nations have a large hi tech-savvy young population, and the asset management companies should tap this section to deepen mutual fund penetration significantly, writes Ram Krishna Sinha for South Asia Monitor 

India needs to give Economic Survey its rightful place

The Economic Survey is the flagship annual document which we all look forward to. In the recent past, it has lived up to the expectation of being an indispensable guide on performance, challenges and prospects of the Indian economy

Financial education is a neglected domain in India

Financial literacy, we all know, plays an important role in an individual’s life by boosting self-esteem, affording better choices, and also training them about the economy by way of making higher savings and investments

COVID-19 calls for resetting targets under SDGs: Health and education needs fresh strategies

The pandemic has laid bare some fault lines and vulnerabilities in the domains of education and health, and the lessons need to reflect in the SDGs as fresh strategies, writes Ram Krishna Sinha for South Asia Monitor

Understanding Mahatma Gandhi's philosophy of ends and means

Gandhi said, means are foreseeable, ends are not. Thus, means can be controlled, managed and guaranteed, writes Ram Krishna Sinha for South Asia Monitor